How to write essay writing
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
My intro free essay sample
As I looked past the unpleasant glass, my body gave me a motivating force to run outside. What showed up as the most lovely day of the year, was immediately devoured by my broad move hours and imprudent hard working attitudes. The decrepit white hued cover hung vigorously around my neck, leaving a sizable rash followed by a feeling of aggravation on my skin. I had been at Uncle Pauls Restaurant for just three hours when Shannon, the move administrator, tenderly got my arm and said â€Å"Today, were somewhat moderate; why don’t you take the day off.†My body didn't move, yet I grinned vivaciously to tell her my reaction. Soon after my intercession with Shannon, I was outside, totally free and distant from my obligations. It was early, notwithstanding, I realized my time was amazingly significant. As I strolled towards my neighborhood, I was attracted to the huge woodland which remained inside a mile from my home. We will compose a custom article test on My introduction or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Turned deformed trees that appeared to raise from fallen leaves and squandered ivy. The smell of spoiling wood overflowed through the air, as I watched the last flash of light vanish inside the backwoods. It was doubtlessly a surprising sight, anyway I was unable to pull away; for what started as a weird fascination, before long turned into a thought. My life required a kick of abnormality, and there was no preferred method of beginning once again investing some quality energy profound inside nature.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Trichy free essay sample
To add to the development of India’s universal business by scattering information about worldwide business and exchange by: †¢ Imparting essential information to imminent chiefs of global business. †¢ Assisting business associations engaged with sends out/imports/outside exchange through explicit investigations and consultancy reports. †¢ Adopting best practices in bestowing training in worldwide business through its own just as through accomplice foundations and associations over the globe. Targets †¢ To shape understudies and students into all inclusive capable supervisors in worldwide business, with the essential information, aptitudes and introduction to coordinate the necessities of the business. †¢ To give training in principle and practice of global business, to build up the abilities of understudies in dynamic in today’s complex worldwide business condition. To sort out and lead examine and along these lines extend the information space. †¢ To grant information to exporters, merchants and controllers through preparing and research. †¢ To help the administration and controllers in arrangement plan and alteration. We will compose a custom exposition test on Trichy or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Our Founder Late Sri Raja Bankatlal Gopikishan Badruka (1905-1966) BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 2 pages 3 11/9/2009 12:17:59 PM Throughout the most recent 60 years, the Badruka Educational Society has developed from solidarity to quality, setting up different instructive organizations covering a wide range of learning at graduate and postgraduate levels: †¢ Badruka College of Commerce †¢ Badruka College Post-Graduate Center †¢ Bankatlal Badruka College for Information Technology †¢ Badruka Institute of Foreign Trade †¢ Badruka Institute of Foreign Education †¢ Badruka Institute of Professional Studies †¢ Badruka Junior College for Girls †¢ Bansilal Badruka School of Music and Dance †¢ Ramdayal Ghasiram Badruka Technical Institute †¢ Laxmi Nivas Badruka Vidyarthi Gruh. More than 70,000 understudies have had the benefit of dropping of the entryways of the Society’s establishments, improving the Indian country in scholastics, expressive arts, the executives, IT, trade, legislative issues and business. On the remote instruction front, the Badruka Institute of Foreign Education (BIFE) had prior been directing the MBA program of Edinburgh Business School, Heriott Watt University, UK. Hony Secretary Sri Hari Prasad G Badruka continues investigating new projects of significant worth to understudies in different spaces. BIFT has effectively tied up with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and endeavors are on to tie up with the Hague University, Netherlands for a workforce and understudy trade program. Comparable tie-ups with other prestigious outside colleges/foundations in UK, Europe USA are additionally being thought of. Study visits to a couple of outside nations are as of now being composed by Badruka Institute of Foreign Trade (BIFT), which owes its beginning to Sri Badruka’s vision of India enabled by chiefs who are skilled to deal with huge, all inclusive spread organizations in a domain where national limits have to be sure evaporated. Serving the general public through worth based instruction Sri Hari Prasad G Badruka, the Chairman Honorary Secretary of the Society, is a devoted educationist, visionary and altruist with a guarantee to greatness. He has assumed a significant job in the improvement of the Society through his devotion and association in the organization of the Society for about four decades. Sri Badruka has consistently accepted that understudies must experience training which encourages them to advance their professions as well as cultivates solid worth frameworks in them. BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 3 1/9/2009 12:18:05 PM Aimed at getting ready qualified experts in the difficult field of worldwide business, BIFT was set up in 2001, under a MoU with Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, which is universally famous and is positioned among the main 10 B-schools in India. IIFT has been stretching out scholarly and personnel backing to BIFT. BIFT is arranged in Hyderabad, which has recorded exceptional development with huge undertakings being set up in the IT/Pharmaceutical/Biotech/FMCG/Retail/Financial Services segments. The five-storeyed BIFT developing has a fabricated zone of more than 60,000 sq. t. The understudies appreciate well-prepared, cooled auditoriums, PCs with broadband web availability, Wi-Fi empowered grounds, LCD projectors, sound frameworks, e-diaries under EBSCO, electronic databases of businesses/organizations through CMIE’s Prowess India Trades, Kompass Trade Directory, Trade Wizard Software, and so on. The front line educational plan of MPIB contains all subjects of the MBA program of a standard B-school and what's more, 15 additional subjects that prepare understudies in International Finance, International Marketing Trade, Global Logistics, International HRM, and so on. BIFT has tied up with Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, where BIFT understudies embrace shortterm specialization courses in International Finance, International Marketing or Port Management. BIFT is likewise investigating tie-ups for momentary worth added courses to be taken up in some presumed B-schools in the UK, Europe and USA. To offer new professional chances, BIFT has presented two-year Masters Programs in Healthcare Management, Infrastructure Management and Pharma-Biotech Management, under a MoU with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. It is presenting a 4-6 months temporary job in ‘Shipping and Port Management’ in relationship with Westport, Malaysia. Other new presentations incorporate an Entrepreneurship and Family Business Program, just as industry-centered end of the week addresses (with APITCO). The developing number of understudies enlisted from all pieces of India in the ongoing clumps is characteristic of the quickly expanding ubiquity of MPIB. At BIFT, an extraordinary set of three of understudies, staff and learning assets delivers probably the best personalities in the nation. Thus, our understudies today hold key and lucky administrative situations over a few rumored associations in India and abroad. The showing technique and learning teaching method at BIFT incorporate talks, contextual analyses, workshops, bunch conversations, business games, pretends, reproduction works out, organized and unstructured gathering work, just as industry visits and port visits to outside nations like Singapore, Malaysia, and so on. Initiating this scholarly year, BIFT has exchanged over to the semester arrangement of guidance (from the previous trimester framework), to empower understudies to get more opportunity for industry collaboration. Experts Program in International Business Cutting-edge educational plan for worldwide business BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 4 pages 5 11/9/2009 12:18:13 PM From the Director Changing Trends in Management Education†¦ Pioneering Sectoral Vocations. Built up in 2001, BIFT has cut out a specialty for itself throughout the most recent eight years in the International Business training field, with overpowering acknowledgment in the Trade and Industry. That more than 600 BIFTians are involving pined for positions in business associations both in India and abroad, is a standing declaration of the Industry’s acknowledgment of our teaching method and substance. It is gladdening to take note of that the evil impacts of the worldwide monetary log jam, coming about out of theoretical covetousness in the money related markets, are gradually tightening. According to both IMF and World Bank, the Indian and Chinese financial matters are on the up-swing and it is normal that in the following 6-10 months, the worldwide markets would rise more grounded. This is an invite sign for all business the executives understudies. The corporates are searching for inventive, unassuming youthful personalities with center around learning and handson experience to direct the motors of development in the rising territories. To be fruitful in the worldwide markets, the understudies need to obtain forces of basic reasoning and good thinking combined with information on contemporary business issues and multi-social core interest. The corporates favor sectoral fans who have an energy for specialty business territories and are prepared to sharpen their abilities in broadened fragments with a receptive outlook concentrated on ‘learning’ as opposed to ‘earning’. In the above setting, BIFT would give expanded introduction in territories like International Product/Brand Management; Acquisitions Mergers and Business Valuations; Port Operations Management; Banking, Finance, Insurance, and so forth. BIFT has additionally presented Masters courses in rising zones like Infrastructure Management, PharmaBiotech Management and Health Care Management, under MOU with JNTU-Hyderabad, for better sectoral employments. Sustaining business people who might change into ‘job providers’ as opposed to ‘job seekers’ is additionally the need of great importance. As the genuine India lives in provincial territories, the understudies should be social business visionaries with center around regions like Microfinance, NGO Management, and so forth. In conclusion however not the least, in view of encounters picked up from the worldwide home loan subordinates catastrophe, which the Indian money related framework has withstood, we have to develop our own ‘Indian Approach to Corporate Management’ with solid establishments in Ethics and Values, combining the best of both East and West. We welcome our regarded corporates to join forces with us in this ‘Yagna’ of Corporate Social Responsibility ‘Innovation †Intuition †Inspiration’ is the Mantra for Success. From the Director’s Desk Prof GS Rao BIFT Placement Brochure (08-10) FINAL. indd 5 11/9/2009 12:18:18 PM From the Academic Coordinator The Badruka Educational Society was set up with the goal of in
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Bipolar Disorder With Anxious Distress
Bipolar Disorder With Anxious Distress November 20, 2019 Bipolar Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Your Rights Peter Dazeley/Getty Images Many people who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder also have other psychiatric conditions, including anxiety disorders. But when your anxiety doesnt quite fit into the definition of a specific, well-defined anxiety disorder, your psychiatrist might instead diagnose you as having bipolar disorder with anxious distress. Having bipolar disorder with anxious distress simply means you have bipolar disorder, plus anxiety that interferes with your life but doesnt meet the diagnostic criteria for an anxiety disorder. Overview Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals use the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Version Five (abbreviated DSM-V) to attach an official diagnosis to your condition. In this case, bipolar disorder is the diagnosis, and with anxious distress is whats called a specifierâ€"an add-on to the diagnosis that clarifies it or elaborates on it. The specifier with anxious distress is actually new to the DSM with the fifth edition of that manual, which was published in 2013. It was added because mental health professionals thought it was needed in a variety of cases. According to the DSM-V: Anxious distress has been noted as a prominent feature of both bipolar and major depressive disorder in both primary care and specialty mental health settings. High levels of anxiety have been associated with higher suicide risk, longer duration of illness, and greater likelihood of treatment nonresponse. As a result, it is clinically useful to specify accurately the presence and severity levels of anxious distress for treatment planning and monitoring of response to treatment. Symptoms For a psychiatrist to add the specifier with anxious distress, a patients condition needs to include at least two of these symptoms: Feeling tense or keyed up.Unusual restlessness.Worry that makes it difficult to concentrate.Fear that something terrible may happen.Feeling like you might lose control of yourself. The symptoms have to be present most days of the current or most recent bipolar episode, regardless of whether the episode involved manic, hypomanic or depressive symptoms. In so-called anxious distress, severity of the condition is determined by the number of symptoms present: Two symptoms mean the condition is mild, three symptoms mean its moderate, four to five symptoms mean its moderate to severe, and four to five symptoms with ?psychomotor agitation mean its severe.? Someone can have bipolar I, bipolar II, or cyclothymia with anxious distress. Anxiety Disorders Are Also Possible Even if you have bipolar disorder with anxious distress, you also can be diagnosed with another anxiety disorder. If you get panic attacks, you can be diagnosed with panic disorder, and if youre acutely afraid of a specific object or situation (spiders or flying, for example), then you could be diagnosed with a phobia. When two or more illnesses not related to each other are diagnosed in a single patient, they are called comorbid, which simply means they occur together.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Frank As A Mental Health Agency - 917 Words
Frank is a student with some problems regarding his work and roommate. Frank is an inter at a mental health agency. His job has given him the authority of searching patient files when neccessary; but, only with a superior present. While working on some files, Frank notice his roomate name in one of them. This is a concern to him becuase he wants to know if this person is his roomate. But, he signed a confidentiality form. When he went home he notice his roomate acting awkardly. This made Frank curious about the guy. In this case, Frank should notified his supervisor about his situation for him not to get in any trouble. He can explain that he saw a name familiar to his roomate, but he does not know what to do. By speaking to the supervisor, Frank can find the help he needs and prevent him from stressing so much. It can also show his honesty and courage to confront a situation. Ecological theory explains the two areas of stress Frank is experiencing. His work and home is in danger. Wh at heppened at work can affect the relationship he has at home. If he does not find out what is going on with his roomate, it can cause problems regarding his health. He would not feel safe in his own home. Even is he does nothing about it, it can affect his self-esteem. The roomate may have a mental disease which can effect the relationship with the roomate. The person my experience an episod and frank may not know what to do. Frank may be able to live with him if he knows how to help him.Show MoreRelatedDynamic Processes Involved That Case Management Meet The Needs Of The Client1270 Words  | 6 Pagesone s own knowledge and expertise. Example: Proper recognition of stress (and understanding how to treat it) is important in helping Frank maintain his health while on the job. †¢ Evaluate personal beliefs and biases about clients who have special problems. Example: Case manager may not have good experiences involving police officers and may be biased towards Frank. †¢ To be knowledgeable of additional information, services and resources that may be available to the client. Example: Providing theRead MoreCommunity Resource Project Jessica J. Groe †¢ Name of Resource/Agency, and Program600 Words  | 3 PagesCommunity Resource Project Jessica J. Groe †¢ Name of Resource/Agency, and Program Director/Administrator (Include Title and Credentials) Name of Resource/ Agency NAMI: Stands for the National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI Family Support Group Facilitator: Mr. Frank Gisondi†¨(Peer-Led Support Group: Husband of an Individual Diagnosed with a Mental Illness) †¢ Location, Address, Phone Number and Web Address/Website: Location Address: Mt Olivet United Methodist Church.†¨Glebe Rd. N. 16th St.†¨BasementRead MoreVulnerable Populations - Human Services1683 Words  | 7 Pagesdiabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. 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D., Petrenko, C. L. M., Garrido, E. F., Combs, M. D., Culhane, S. E., Taussig, H. N., 2013). Nearly 5 million calls were made to child welfare agencies throughout the United States in 2000 to report child abuse, and about 2 million of the children discussed about in these callsRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Jenny Symptoms1429 Words  | 6 Pagesconsequences of a substance influences her manic episode. Nevertheless of Criteia D, one lifetime manic episode requires validatation from a comprehensive assessment for a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder to be considered. Medication Considerations Mental Health clinicians are not allowed to prescribe medication we can only make suggests for psychiatrist to consider. There are a several medications a psychiatrist could prescribe to assist Jenny in regulating the acute effects she is experiencing. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Issue Of The Council Essay - 1364 Words
The council was delayed many times due to the plague, the threat of war and politics. In total the Council of Trent discussed and debated these issues for 5 years and 1 month. Many different people came to each of these sessions to discuss the matters. The first period, was between 1545-1549, sessions one through to eight. 30-70 prelates showed up per session. Approximately 100 members had a recognised, deliberate vote. There were 5 cardinals, 76 bishops, 12 archbishops, 3 abbots, and 6 generals of the religious order. Most were Italian, some were Spanish, and there were a few who came from other Catholic lands. The second period, was between 1551-1552, sessions nine through to 14. 44 and 51 prelates came, with a total of about 59 prelates. 13 German bishops were represented. Electoral archbishops of Trier, Cologne and Mainz came to the meetings and delegations were sent by the Lutheran states. In the third period was between 1562-1564 ,sessions 15 through to 25. 270 bishops in total attended the meetings, make it the most attended period out of the three. 187 of the bishops were Italian, 31 were Spanish, 26 were French, and bishops from other Catholic lan ds also attended. 255 prelates and procurators signed the final decree, after just over five years in all of sitting at the table to discuss the Church’s issues. Below show what a Cardinal, abbot,archbishop and a general from a religious order looks like. Martin Luther The reformation was initiated and shaped by oneShow MoreRelatedIssues Faced By The House Council Essay732 Words  | 3 PagesIssues faced by In-house Council: In day to day practice the councils come across various issues whereby their role as a professional and professional ethics are in conflict. These can be: Divergent interests: A lawyer is at times faced with the question of whether to represent two or more clients whose interest is in conflict. However, aside from his ethical obligations, the legal systems of the world generally prohibit a lawyer from representing a client whose interests’ conflict with those ofRead MoreInternational Security And Peace Management1301 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) occupies the position of leading supranational entity in charge of upholding international security and peace. Members of the UN Security Council vote on various global security and peace issues. Debates ranges on the functional effectiveness of UN Security Council in the maintenance of International security and peace. Controversy also ranges on the democratic representativeness of the UN Security Council, particularly in the election of membersRead MoreBuzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving1403 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Issue Campaign: â€Å"Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving†In the United States approximately every 52 minutes there is a fatality caused by drinking and driving. 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As a result the presence of a works council today is a very common method of representative participation. The term works council applies to any body that represents the interests ofRead MoreThe City Hall Building Stand Out1290 Words  | 6 PagesPossible Improvements there are quite a few point are easily noticeable. The meeting under consideration took place at John Ferraro Council Chamber room 340, City Hall 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 starting at 10:00 a.m. The meeting began well with welcoming remarks from the Speaker and a roll call from the Clerk. There were eleven members of the council present during the meeting. After the roll call, the next item on the agenda was an ap proval of minutes by Mr. Englander and a secondingRead MoreThe City Of Glendale City Council Meeting1189 Words  | 5 Pages On September 9, 2014 I attended the Glendale City Council meeting which was held at the Council Chamber which is located on the 2nd floor of the Glendale City Hall, Room 200, 613 East Broadway, Glendale, California. The meeting commenced at 6 p.m. and lasted for approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. Several policy proposals were made and discussed in this particular meeting. This paper is aimed at discussing the various policy proposals made and debated at this meeting with a view to establishingRead MoreThe National Council For Behavioral Health1463 Words  | 6 PagesThe National Council is an organization helping people with addictions to veterans with behavior health issues such as PTSD as well as spreading awareness and educating on mental first aid. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Succubus Heat CHAPTER 27 Free Essays
While I’d been pretty confident in telling Seth that Dante had likely skipped town, I nonetheless stopped by his shop the next day. It had never been very prosperous looking to begin with, but now the signs of abandonment were clear. The neon PSYCHIC sign was gone. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Heat CHAPTER 27 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The blinds were also gone, showing a room even barer than before. The FOR LEASE sign on the door was probably the most telling clue that Dante was gone for good. In the wake of what had happened with Seth, it was hard to know what to think about Dante. My heart almost didn’t have the energy for it. I had cared about him, absolutely. He’d suited my decadent phase, and despite his blackened soul, there were parts of him that were likeable. And above all, it appeared that he’d cared about me, misguided or not. I wasn’t happy about the deal he’d made with Grace, but I was glad he hadn’t been there to face Jerome and Mei’s punishment. No one deserved that, not even Dante. I hoped wherever he was, he’d try to start a new life-maybe one that could lighten his soul a little. I well knew, however, that humans with damned souls rarely recovered. Later that evening, I drove over to Capitol Hill. Peter and Cody were hosting a cocktail party to celebrate Jerome’s return, though I half-suspected they simply wanted to drink away the sorrows of losing the sun. â€Å"How can we celebrate Jerome being back when he’s not even here?†Tawny wanted to know. She was back to her normal, Amazonian blond self and was holding her martini glass in a precarious way. Peter couldn’t take his eyes off it. I was nursing a gimlet out of politeness. The vampires had gone out of their way to get Grey Goose and fresh lime, but truthfully, I was a little burned out on alcohol. It seemed like I’d been perpetually drunk these last four months. I was not burned out on cigarettes yet, but I was trying very hard to break the habit once more. â€Å"Jerome’s got plenty to keep himself busy,†I said. â€Å"We’re just drinking in his honor.†â€Å"But he is staying, right?†asked Cody. We all turned to Hugh. Like the rest of us, Hugh’d had his abilities restored, and I’d honestly expected him to be a lot happier having his imp vision back. Instead, he seemed very serious, and I could have sworn he was watching me when I wasn’t looking. â€Å"Yep. He and Mei schmoozed the corporate guy pretty good and pulled in enough favors to get backing from others. Cedric and Nanette both swore up and down that no one else was better qualified to run Seattle than him.†â€Å"Nanette finally caved, huh?†I swirled the ice around in my glass. â€Å"Of course, knowing Jerome owes her now probably makes her feel secure in her territory.†Cody shook his head. â€Å"Still. Grace went through an awful lot to try to pull this off, between the Canadians and all the wheeling and dealing. And Dante.†He shot me an apologetic look that I waved off. â€Å"I don’t know,†said Peter. He finally seemed convinced that Tawny wasn’t going to ruin his upholstery. â€Å"She’s a middle management demon with so-so power. Doing what she did-seizing the opportunity when she thought Jerome looked weak-was probably the closest she’ll ever get to ruling over an area like this.†â€Å"What do you mean? Would she be stuck forever? Never have her own domain?†asked Tawny, frowning. â€Å"She might have eventually gotten assigned control of some nonexistent town in middle America, but I doubt much more.†Hugh still looked oddly speculative. â€Å"Clearly, she didn’t want to. Neither does Mei, from the looks of it.†â€Å"So much for it being better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven,†I said, pleased with my own wit. â€Å"Of course, I think we’re going to see a lot more in Mei’s career. She might be so-so in power, but she’s got a plan.†â€Å"Have you noticed how she’s a lot less scary alone?†asked Cody. â€Å"It was the matching clothes,†said Peter sagely. â€Å"When they dressed alike, it was too much like those girls from The Shining .†More laughter and conversation ensued, though I eventually grew quiet and simply listened. Maybe I could be the life of the party, like Seth had said, but this group could do okay without me. I took a certain amount of contentment by being back with them and having our lives returned to normal-such as they were. I could never be human again, but these were the people I wanted to be damned with. At one point, I got up to trade my empty glass for water and discovered Hugh had followed me into the kitchen. He still looked troubled. The others were laughing and talking, providing cover for our conversation. â€Å"What’s going on?†I asked. â€Å"I thought you’d be happy.†â€Å"I am, I am,†he said. â€Å"Believe me, I am. God, that was miserable.†I couldn’t help a smile. Hugh had hit his stride with being a lesser immortal. He was past the novice stages of Cody and Tawny and could fully reap the benefits of his position. However, he wasn’t old enough to have acquired all the jaded centuries Peter and I had. Out of all of us, I didn’t doubt that Hugh had suffered the most. â€Å"Then what’s going on?†He hesitated, and again, I was struck by how out of character he was behaving. â€Å"Georgina, has Seth done anything†¦bad lately? Rob a bank? Cheat on taxes?†â€Å"Of course not,†I said, more confused than ever. â€Å"Has he†¦or well†¦did he do anything, uh, bad with you?†To my chagrin, I blushed. You’d think nothing would make a succubus self-conscious, but I still tried to maintain that line between my private and business sex lives. My silent response was enough for Hugh. â€Å"Fuck.†â€Å"What?†I asked. â€Å"We did it when I was in stasis. I didn’t take any of his energy. I didn’t shorten his life. And we haven’t done it since Jerome came back. It’s over. He’s back with Maddie.†Hugh raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Oh?†â€Å"I realized how impossible it was for us and convinced him to go back to her. I really laid on the guilt.†Just mentioning what had happened made me ache all over again. â€Å"I’m sure you did,†Hugh said dryly. â€Å"What do you mean?†â€Å"Georgina†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He sighed. â€Å"There’s no easy way to explain this. When I first met Seth, his soul was like†¦a supernova. It lit up a room. That guy had such a generous spirit, it was insane.†Had. â€Å"And now?†The answer was slowly creeping in on me. â€Å"Now, there’s a shadow on him. A stain on his soul. He cheated on Maddie with you†¦and is back with her, keeping that from her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The room started swaying, and I forced myself to focus on Hugh. â€Å"What we did, it wasn’t sleazy. We are†¦were†¦in love. It was sweet-that is, it meant something.†â€Å"Maybe it did, sweetie. Maybe the planets aligned when you made love. But regardless of what happened between you, he wronged her-and he feels it now. That sin is darkening his soul.†â€Å"How dark?†I asked, my voice almost a whisper now. â€Å"If he were a hit by a car right now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Hugh’s face was both hard and sad. â€Å"He’d head right to Hell.†â€Å"Oh my God.†I collapsed back against the counter. â€Å"I didn’t think†¦didn’t realize†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Since I hadn’t been a succubus, I hadn’t been thinking like one. I hadn’t worried about shortening his life or exhausting him because there was no need. While I’d known we were both deceiving Maddie and had felt a fair amount of guilt over it, I’d never considered it in terms of damnation. I’d turned off that part of my life, the part of being a succubus that counted and tallied souls-the main part of my job. Which was stupid of me. Humans didn’t need us to sin. They did it all the time on their own and did just as good a job-if not better-than we could. I didn’t have to be a succubus to make Seth sin. I could have been any woman, any woman he’d had an affair with. Sin was subjective, too, and different people would feel it differently. For someone like Seth, doing what he did would leave a harsh mark-and me making him feel guilty about it hadn’t helped. â€Å"This is worse,†I said. I laughed, but it was the kind of hysterical laughter that could segue to tears at any moment. â€Å"It would have been better if we’d had sex when we were dating. I’d have taken years off his life, but his soul would have stayed pure-and that’s what matters in the long run. Instead, I was so adamant about refusing to do it†¦and now look. Look what I did.†Hugh caught my hand and squeezed it. â€Å"I’m sorry.†â€Å"Is there†¦is there any way he can undo it?†â€Å"You know the answer as well as me. Sure, he can eventually swing the pendulum the other way. But it’s hard. Very hard.†â€Å"He’s a good person,†I said stoutly. â€Å"Maybe, but that may not be enough anymore.†â€Å"He’d need a deal with God,†I muttered. I stared at the floor, studying the tiles absentmindedly. What had I done? How could I have been so stupid? Had I been so blinded by love and lust that I’d been oblivious to the principles that had dictated my immortal vocation these long centuries? â€Å"Georgina,†Hugh said hesitantly. I looked at him. â€Å"There’s something else†¦just a heads up. You know this as well as I do. When upright people screw up like this†¦they do try to rebound in their way. The guilt’s got to be eating him. People like that try to do things to make up for it. Rash things. Something tells me he’ll be like that.†â€Å"Thanks for the warning,†I said. â€Å"Though I can’t imagine he’d do something that could make this any worse.†The imp cut me a look. â€Å"Sweetie, he’s human. Don’t underestimate him.†Hugh was right. The next day, I went to the condo builder’s office and talked more in-depth with the real estate agent that handled their sales. We chatted for a while and talked numbers, though I still couldn’t shake the feeling that I was doing this without thinking it through. The pictures were nice, the floor plan was nice, and the options were nice. Yet, I didn’t know if this was just some impulsive reaction to the ups and downs in my life. Then, when he took me to the unit itself and showed me the balcony, I knew. It was a beautiful day, one that wasn’t true summer yet but could give us enough hope that winter was just about finished. Puget Sound was deep blue, and the downtown skyline gleamed in the sun against a cloudless sky. To the west, the Olympic Mountains were visible for the first time in over a month, their peaks still heavy with snow. As often happened with this kind of weather, people turned out in droves, treating it like it was high summer. Families came out, shorts came out. This part of Alki didn’t have a true beach-that was at a park a little farther down-but the water was still just a stone’s throw away from my building, separated only by the small road and narrow strip of grass. I watched the waves break against the shore and realized this was where I needed to be. â€Å"I want to make an offer,†I told him. I knew Maddie would want to know, so I made sure she was the first one I told when I ended up back in Queen Anne later that night. It was early evening, my last day before returning to a real full-time schedule, and I swung by the store to catch her and tell her. Only, she sought me out first, with news of her own. â€Å"Georgina!†I’d barely entered when she grabbed my arm and pulled me off into the cookbooks. â€Å"Hey,†I laughed. â€Å"Glad you’re in a good mood. I’ve got news.†â€Å"Me too!†Her face was radiant, and after all that had happened, it made me happy to see her like this. I couldn’t help a return grin. â€Å"What’s up?†She glanced around covertly, then lowered her voice. â€Å"You were right.†â€Å"About what?†â€Å"About Seth needing time-about him being preoccupied.†Oh lord. He’d finally slept with her again, now that things had ended with us. I can’t say I was happy to have this news delivered to me, but for her sake, I was at least glad she could stop worrying. â€Å"Wow, that’s great, Mad-â€Å" â€Å"He was waiting to propose!†She shot her hand up to my face so quickly that for half a moment, I thought she was going to punch me. But, no, there was no impact-unless you counted the brilliant glitter of the engagement ring dazzling my eyes. â€Å"Oh my God. But it†¦it’s so soon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I know,†she said, breathless from her excitement. â€Å"I can’t believe it. And I mean, yeah, we’ve only been going out for about four months, but Seth says we can have a long engagement, that he just wanted to commit things between us.†Of course he did. When upright people screw up like this†¦they do try to rebound in their way. The guilt’s got to be eating him. People like that try to do things to make up for it. Rash things. How could I be surprised? I’d become a succubus because I’d cheated on my husband and been caught. I’d sold my soul in an effort to blot that act out, to make him and everyone else I knew forget me. Why was this any different? â€Å"You don’t think†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Maddie turned uneasy, once more seeking my approval and advice. â€Å"You don’t think it’s too fast, do you? Have I made a mistake? I mean, even if we wait awhile for the wedding†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I kept smiling. â€Å"It’s fine, Maddie. There’s no time frame that’s set for everyone. If it’s what feels right to you, then you’ve got to do it.†Her grin lit back up. â€Å"Oh, thank you. I’m so glad to hear you say that. I mean, I said yes, and I’ve been excited†¦I just didn’t want it to seem like I was rushing in.†She glanced back down, admiring the ring. I realized something. â€Å"It’s a diamond.†She gave me a curious look. â€Å"Of course. Why wouldn’t it be? Most engagement rings are.†Last year, I’d teased Seth about getting married, and he’d said that if he ever did, he’d give his bride-to-be a ruby because he thought diamonds were ordinary, and getting married was extraordinary. I stared into the stone’s glittering facets, puzzled. â€Å"Did you pick it out? Had you told him you wanted a diamond?†â€Å"Nope. It had never come up. He just got it for me. Why?†I shook my head and tried to look happy for her. â€Å"No reason. It’s beautiful. Congratulations.†I turned to leave. â€Å"I’ll see you tomorrow.†â€Å"Georgina, wait.†I paused and looked back. â€Å"What was your news?†â€Å"Wh-oh. Yeah. I’m buying the place in Alki.†â€Å"Seriously?†I swear, she almost seemed more excited about that than the engagement. â€Å"When will it be done?†â€Å"July.†â€Å"Oh, wow. That’s great. You could have such great summer parties.†â€Å"Yep. Let’s hope it gets finished on time.†She sighed happily and gave me a quick hug. â€Å"Isn’t this a great day? Good news for both of us.†â€Å"Yeah,†I agreed. â€Å"Great.†I walked home, too stunned over the engagement news to process it much. Considering Hugh’s prediction, there wasn’t much to process. I’d convinced Seth that he and I were a fantasy, that he needed to settle into reality and take what good he had with Maddie. Seth had believed me and tried to make it up to her-make it up to himself, even-with this hasty engagement. He was not a rash person usually, but the extreme circumstances had turned him into one. My phone rang about half a block from the store. I could recognize Vancouver’s area code by now, but I didn’t know the number. For all I knew, Evan wanted me to smuggle them some spray paint across the border. To my relief, it was Kristin. â€Å"Hey,†I said. â€Å"How’s it going?†â€Å"Fine. Well, better than fine. Great actually.†There were a few awkward seconds of silence. â€Å"Me and Cedric†¦we’re†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The first spark of enthusiasm I’d felt in a while leapt up in me. â€Å"Really? You guys are a†¦thing?†â€Å"Yeah.†There was wonder in her voice, like she could hardly believe it. â€Å"He told me that you were the one who said that he should go out with me.†â€Å"Oh, well. I†¦just suggested he was looking in the wrong places.†â€Å"Georgina, there is no way I can thank you enough for this.†Her voice was brimming with emotion, something I wouldn’t have thought possible of the businesslike imp. â€Å"This is†¦I’ve wanted this for so long. Loved him for so long. And he never noticed me until you made him just pause and look. That’s exactly how he said it too. That he’d been so busy chasing everything else that he’d never seen what was in front of him.†I thought I might get choked up too. â€Å"I’m glad for you, Kristin. Really. You deserve it.†She laughed. â€Å"Most would say us damned souls don’t deserve anything.†â€Å"We’re like anyone else, deserving both good and bad. I’m not sure being damned has anything to do with it.†She was quiet for a moment, and when she spoke again, her voice was low, almost hard to hear. I actually stopped walking and stepped off down a side street to get away from the din of traffic. â€Å"It’s funny you mention that,†she said slowly. â€Å"Because†¦well, I did something for you.†I suddenly had an image of Tim Horton’s donuts showing up on my doorstep. â€Å"Er, that’s really not necessary. I didn’t do that much.†â€Å"You did, though. To me, at least. And so†¦I wanted to do something just as big for you. I, uh, went and looked at your contract.†I caught my breath. â€Å"What?†â€Å"We’ve had a lot of paperwork to file, and I managed to work in a corporate trip.†â€Å"Corporate trip†was a nice way of saying she’d visited the inner offices of Hell. â€Å"Kristin†¦if you’d been caught†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I wasn’t,†she said proudly. â€Å"And I found your contract and read it.†I’d come to a complete stop now. The world around me didn’t exist. â€Å"And?†â€Å"And†¦nothing.†â€Å"What do you mean nothing?†â€Å"I mean, there’s nothing wrong with the contract. I went over and over it. Everything’s in order.†â€Å"It can’t be! Niphon was trying so hard to mess with me†¦to get me recalled. Hugh was certain it meant he was trying to shift attention from the contract.†â€Å"I don’t know about any of that,†said Kristin, sounding truly sympathetic. â€Å"All I know is what I read. You sold your soul and took on standard succubus servitude in exchange for every mortal you knew forgetting who you were. That sound right?†â€Å"Yeah†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"That’s what it said. All the language was exactly as it should be.†I didn’t really have any response, so I gave none. â€Å"Georgina, are you still there?†â€Å"Yeah†¦I’m sorry. I just thought†¦I’d been so certain†¦Ã¢â‚¬ It had been a foolish hope, that maybe somewhere there was a loophole for me. But then, I seemed to fall for those things all the time, just like I had with Nyx’s dream and the impossible chance of getting pregnant while in stasis. I was as naà ¯ve as Dante had said. â€Å"Thanks. I really appreciate you looking.†â€Å"I’m sorry you didn’t get what you wanted. If there’s anything else I can do for you-that doesn’t involve breaking into records-let me know.†â€Å"Thanks. I will.†We disconnected, and I stared bleakly at my surroundings, at the quiet residential block I’d stepped off onto. â€Å"There is no way,†I said out loud, â€Å"that this day can get any worse.†A rustle behind me made me jump, and I spun around. I had thought I was alone and now felt like an idiot getting caught talking to myself. I saw no one, though. Then, a bush by the sidewalk twitched a little. I took a few steps toward it and knelt down. Yellow eyes peered out at me, followed by a piteous meow. I made the clicking sound that’s universal to cat owners, and after a few moments, my observer emerged. It was a cat, a very scraggly one-and a cat I was pretty sure I’d seen before. It was smaller than Aubrey, maybe younger, and I could see its ribs poking out underneath the fur, which was matted and dirty. When I petted the cat’s head, I noticed a dry texture to the fur that often indicated fleas. The cat seemed unsure of me-but not enough that it ran away. It mostly seemed curious for now, like it was trying to figure me out-and maybe score some food. Which was fine, because I was trying to figure it out too. Clearly, this cat had no owner, or if it did, that ownership needed to be revoked. I studied its yellow eyes and every frail line of its body. The cat looked so different and yet†¦I was certain it was the one. And in a musing that was worthy of Carter, I suddenly wondered if the universe might not be done with me after all. I let the cat sniff my hand a bit longer, and then I reached out and picked it up. It was a she. She didn’t fight me as I held her to my chest and walked home. In fact, she started purring. Maybe she knew me. Maybe she was just weary of fighting all the time too. When I shouldered open my door, Aubrey’s head immediately jerked up from where she’d been napping. She made no noise, but all the fur on her back stood on end as she studied our new visitor with narrowed eyes. Roman, lying on the couch as usual, also studied us. He looked at the cat, taking in her orange and brown patched coat. Then, he looked up and met my eyes. I’m not sure what he saw, but it made him smile. â€Å"Let me guess. That’s a tortie.†â€Å"Yes,†I agreed. â€Å"This is a tortie.†How to cite Succubus Heat CHAPTER 27, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Blacks Struggle To Reach American Dream Essay free essay sample
, Research Paper Struggle for the American Dream The American Dream is what Americans want out of life. It consists of people # 8217 ; s household programs, calling programs, and the type of life style they want to populate. Lorraine Hansberry wrote the drama, A Raisin in the Sun, in 1958. A Raisin in the Sun provides many good illustrations of inkinesss fighting to accomplish their American Dreams. The drama Tells of a household, the Youngers, who want the American Dream. The characters Mama, Ruth, Walter, and Beneatha all show how they attempt to carry through their single dreams ; they struggle through racism, differing positions, and money jobs ( severally ) . Mama and Ruth both had dreams of traveling out of the ghetto and traveling to a better vicinity. Mama truly wanted to travel out so her household could be happier. She was driven to utilize the insurance money from Big Walter # 8217 ; s decease to purchase a house, alternatively of puting it into spirits like Walter wanted to. This is shown in Mama # 8217 ; s Act I statement, # 8220 ; Well-whether they drinks it or non ain # 8217 ; t none of my concern. But whether I go into concern selling it to # 8216 ; em is, and I don # 8217 ; t want that on my leger this late in life # 8221 ; ( p.42 ) . Ruth was split between desiring to travel out or to put the money like Walter wanted to. She was really happy though when Mama announced that she had bought a house. Ruth was really unfastened in denoting her felicity excessively, # 8220 ; Well-well! -All I can state is-if this is my clip in life-MY TIME-to say adieu so I say it loud and good, HALLELUJAH! AND GOOD-BYE MISERY I DON # 8217 ; T NEVER WANT TO See YOUR UGLY FACE AGAIN! # 8221 ; ( p.94 ) . Ruth truly wants to acquire out of the ghetto because it has merely provided her with wretchedness and sadness, she thinks now is her clip to be happy. Mama and Ruth besides had to defy attempts from Mr. Linder to maintain inkinesss from traveling into Clybourne Park. Linder and the people of Clybourne Park were racist and afraid of inkinesss traveling into and polluting their vicinity. After hearing what Linder has to state, the household is even more content on traveling into Clybourne Park to demo that they aren # 8217 ; T afraid. Then there is Walter and his struggle with Mama and Ruth about what to make with the money. Walter Younger # 8217 ; s American Dream is to be rich and live an excessive life like the people for which he chauffeurs. He wants to utilize the insurance money from his pa # 8217 ; s decease to put in a spirits shop in Springfield. Willy Harris, Bobo, and Walter all program on puting 10 thousand dollars each into the shop. Walter and Mama have differing positions about what to make with the money because he wants to put in liquor alternatively of purchasing the house. Mama is dead set against the whole spirits shop thought. This is shown in Act II when she says, # 8221 ; there ain # 8217 ; t gon na be no investme nt in N o spirits stores†( p.70 ) . This leaves Walter really unhappy because his dreams have been crushed, â€Å"So you butchered up a dream of mine-you-who ever speaking ’bout your children’s dreams †( p.95 ) . Mama refused to even listen to Walter’s thought, she wouldn’t have him speaking about puting in spirits in her â€Å"house†. After they buy the house for 35 hundred dollars, Mama trusts Walter to take the remainder to the bank for him and Beneatha to divide. She talks to him one dark about how he’s the adult male of the house and should hold more say in how things are done. She tells him to take the staying 65 hundred to the bank and set it in separate histories for him and Beneatha. Alternatively of traveling to the bank like he was supposed to, Walter used the staying 65 hundred dollars to put in the shop. He finds out subsequently that Willy ran off with all the money, and there is none left. Beneatha is dumb when she find s out all their money is gone. Mama is really huffy at him, particularly since he broke her trust. This causes the household to rethink the thought of purchasing a house because they don’t have any other money now that Walter lost it. Beneatha # 8217 ; s American Dream is to travel to school and go a physician after college. When she was younger, she and her friends used to travel sleighing down the ice-covered rock stairss of people # 8217 ; s houses. One twenty-four hours her friend, Rufus, split his face open on the pavement and had to travel to the infirmary. The following twenty-four hours the physicians had fixed him all up. This event is what inspired Beneatha to go a physician when she grew up. This is shown in an Act II conversation with Agasai, # 8220 ; I ever thought it was the one concrete thing in the universe that a human being could make. Repair up the ill # 8221 ; ( p. 133 ) . After Willy Harris bargains their money, she begins to halt lovingness. Beneatha starts believing that her dream wasn # 8217 ; t deep plenty and that it was a kid # 8217 ; s manner of seeing life. The drama, A Raisin in the Sun, is a good beginning of illustrations of inkinesss non carry throughing their dreams. In the drama, the Younger household struggles to accomplish the American Dream. Mama and Ruth fight off racism from the people of Clybourne Park although they do finally carry through their dream of traveling into a house. Walter and Bennie struggled with their dreams, but they didn # 8217 ; t carry through them. Because of Willy Harris running off with the money, Beneatha didn # 8217 ; Ts have money to inscribe into medical school and prosecute a calling in the medical field. It has now been 40 old ages since the clip of the drama and most African Americans are still fighting to accomplish the American Dreams of freedom and equality. Unfortunately, there are still people like Mr. Linder that are racist and that think they are superior to inkinesss because they are white.
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